Monday, June 14, 2010

The Mail is a Gold Mine!

I love getting the mail every day! I just can’t wait to see what I’m getting and what coupons might come. Today was a great day to showcase why I get so excited. I got samples of Cascade dishwasher detergent, Tide laundry detergent, Bounce dryer sheets, Pantene shampoo and conditioner and Prilosec OTC all in a P&G sampler box. I love getting them! You can go here to sign up and get some awesome samples of your own. I usually get a bunch of coupons with the samples as well but I guess they were omitted this time.

I also got samples and a coupon for True Lemon, Lime and Orange products, a sample and a coupon for Aveeno Nourish+ and my Rite Aid Wellness+ card! This card is awesome and gets you all sorts of discounts whenever you shop at Rite Aid. Go here to sign up for your own and you’ll get a coupon for $5 off your next $25 purchase!

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