There are all sorts of making money schemes on the internet. Most of them are actually too good to be true (read: fake!) or pyramid schemes where you have to get so many people to sign up to actually earn anything. Well, after a few years of combing through all the sites and trying out a lot for myself, there actually are a handful of sites that give you real money, albeit mostly in the form of gift cards, but still, Amazon sells EVERYTHING! Here are my favorites:
•Swagbucks- Swagucks is first and foremost, a search engine, but there’s much more to it. I’ve been on the site for almost 2 years and it’s great. The search engine part is simple. You go to Google when you want to look something up right? Not anymore. Now you go to Swagbucks because when you search, you will sometimes get a swagbuck, or two, or twenty, or any other amount. It’s random though so you can’t just search a thousand times in a row and cash out. I will admit I sometimes still do a Google search even after searching Swagbucks because I like the layout more and I feel like I get better results on Google but the extra 4 seconds I took to click around on Swagbucks is worth it because of the pay. There are lots of ways to earn too, you can participate in a daily poll, complete offers (I only do this if I’m planning to get something anyways, like a Groupon deal), complete surveys (if I’m bored I’ll do this), and a variety of other things that I normally don’t bother with. You earn swagbucks which you turn into the swagstore for prizes. I always get $5 amazon gift cards because they only cost 450 points and I can get one about every few weeks or so.
To join Swagbucks click:
•Crowdtap- This is my favorite! You get your opinion heard by brands, you earn money, and you donate to charity. I LOVE Crowdtap. There are 4 ways to earn on Crowdtap. Quick hits (polls that are very quick to answer), web shares (one of the money makers, you share a link with friends and get money when people click it), discussions (pretty self-explanatory and also a money maker if you are honest and have complete answers), and sample shares/parties (get something free and review/discuss it). There are contests too. It is important to know that this is the one site on the list that IS based on demographics. Some people will get more things to do because a brand could be looking for answers from people in a certain age range, area of the country, they might want people who have kids, people who don’t have kids, people who have a certain cell phone, people who drink a certain coffee, people who like a certain sport, people who don’t like sports, etc. Everyone does get things to do though because every brand is looking for something different. Also as you level up you will qualify for more. The first 2 weeks or so are when you’ll probably want to give up but just like Swagbucks, all you need is 10 minutes a day or less, some days you only need 30 seconds because you’ll check the site and only have one or two quick hits. This is a site you really should keep at though even if it seems like you aren’t making money because you will eventually. I think my $24 in earnings in just about a month is proof. The easiest way to make money on this one? When they ask you to look at a website or video and rate it, rate it as thumbs up and accept the web share challenge. Then rate it from your computer, your phone, your work computer, etc. 5 ratings is all you need to earn $1!
To join Crowdtap click:
•Jingit- This one I just joined, but so far, so good. I was a bit skeptical at first but they have no negative reviews. Not many people pay attention to ad so advertisers pay people to watch their ads and say what they think about them. (There’s another site like this called Varlo, DO NOT sign up. Varlo is a pyramid scheme. Always research a website before signing up. Varlo has negative reviews everywhere.) You can earn between $5 and $10 a week with Jingit. You start off earning $5 a week for about 30 minutes of your time per week watching ads. This next part is completely optional, not a pyramid scheme like Varlo! For every person that joins with your referral link, you can earn 25 cents more. So once 20 people join under you, you can now earn $10 a week. And the BEST part? You are paid on a Visa debit card and can get your money from an ATM or spend it like a bank card. No fees, no minimum earnings. This site is fairly new though so they are still in Beta. This means the site could possibly change a lot in the future when there are more users but that shouldn’t really have an effect on how much you make because as long as they have advertisers, there’s money.
•Pinecone Research – This is the absolute BEST survey site! They send you an email whenever there is a paid survey opportunity for you to complete. You get these opportunities based on your answers to other surveys that just gather information about your background, family size and ages, purchasing habits, etc. that get sent out periodically. For each paid survey opportunity, you get $3. Plain and simple, $3 per survey. They will either send you a check after each survey or you can have it deposited into your PayPal account. I have been a member of this site for about a year or so now and I think that I’ve earned roughly $70! The other really cool thing about this site is that they also have companies that want you try products and give your feedback. I’ve been sent two different products to try so far. You get the free stuff and $3 for each survey about it. There are lots of survey sites out there that promise rewards and points, but this one is definitely the best!
•Smiley360 – While we’re talking about getting free stuff, I need to mention Smiley360. This site doesn’t pay cash money, but it’s worth mentioning because they do give away a LOT of free stuff. They regularly have what are called missions where you are sent something for free and tasked with telling people about the product or service. You can tell people in person, on Facebook or Twitter and then report back to the website what the reaction was. It usually takes me all of 10 minutes to get max “smiles” or points. So far I’ve gotten three free products and a free Redbox rental out of it! Definitely worth checking out.
To join Smiley360 click:
•Endorse – This one seriously rocks my world at the moment, but I just got news that they have decided to go to a closed beta mode, meaning that you are not able to sign up for this program at the moment. The promised that they are working hard to finish their revamping and reopen the site to new users in “early 2012” so I’m hoping soon. Until then, I’ll leave you with the teaser that I made $39.70 in under a month with this one just for sending in the receipts for my regular purchases.
Alright, so these are my secret moneymakers. Try one or all of them out if you are interested. The links that I provided are my referral links so I can increase my rewards on these sites so I’d love it if you would use them but you definitely don’t have to. Please feel free to ask me any questions that you want about any of the sites or any others that you’ve come across. If you need clicks on Crowdtap, I’m also happy to help there too!
Enjoy and happy money-making!
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