Well, here is some info that will help you a lot with your couponing. The first thing of course is to get your hands on lots of coupons. I have a newspaper subscription for weekends only so I make sure that I get at least one copy per week. You can get discounted subscriptions to just about any paper so I would recommend finding some good local deals. I see people outside stores selling subscriptions a lot with some discounts but I found the best deal by finding a local coupon blog and getting a subscription through her. You can also get a single paper from the news stand. There are some Dollar Tree stores that sell the Sunday paper on Monday for $1. You’ll have to check with your local store though.
The next step is to find out what’s on sale that pairs with the coupons that you have. The easiest way that I’ve found to do this is by reading a blog every day. My favorite by far is hip2save. There are a lot of posts every day and some of them are interesting and others are just kinda dumb so you have to scroll through several pages to see all the posts from the past day. Usually on the weekends or maybe on Monday you’ll see the matchups for the week. This will give you a list of what’s on sale and which coupons to pair it with to make a great deal.
The coupon credo is to stock up on great deals so you don’t have to buy when you’re in need and pay full price. I have so much stuff that I don’t actually need at the moment or extras (like 14 boxes of pasta!) because I know that it has a long shelf life and we eat it a lot. By buying 14 boxes when they were only 10 cents a box and storing them, I don’t have to worry about paying $2.50 a box when it’s not on sale and I actually need it. Keep in mind that things do expire and there will likely be another sale on similar items in the next 3-6 months so don’t feel like you need to go crazy on any particular sale or feel bad if you can only get a few things when a sale comes around.
Feeling overwhelmed yet? I was when I first started so I just sat back and collected coupons for about a month and then got into it all. If you’re feeling adventurous though, give it a shot! Just remember that you don’t need to get every deal that comes along. I burned myself out fast trying to do that until I found an equilibrium. If you want to see an easy tutorial to the whole thing, check out this website: http://thekrazycouponlady.com/beginners. They have a “10 days to become a crazy coupon lady” program.
I have a bunch of websites listed below that I use a lot. Let me know what questions you have and I’d be happy to help! Good luck!!
Websites that I frequent for deals:
http://www.utahdealdiva.com/ this one is local for me but there are a lot of good ideas on her site too
http://athriftymom.com/ this one is semi-local also (Idaho based) but she has a lot of info on national chains too
Coupon Brokers: (they sell clipped coupons when you need extras for a sale)
Free Samples:
Coupon Printing Sites:
(click on the link at the bottom of the page that says grocery coupons)
Digital Coupons: (you register your shopper cards with them and they load coupons onto the card electronically so they get taken off at the register when you scan your card)
http://sites.target.com/site/en/spot/page.jsp?title=text_alerts (these are mobile coupons – they send you a text with a link to a mobile website with coupons then you have the checker scan the barcode on the screen for the discount)
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